Many of the families who come to WARM for food and/or employment assistance are struggling to meet every day needs. At WARM, we focus on what we do best and let others do what they are here to do. While our Family Services Coordinators are available by appointment to provide suggestions or referrals to other resources, we understand that some people prefer to explore them on their own.
LSS 211 Central Ohio (formerly known as HandsOn Central Ohio) provides a free, comprehensive list of support services to address most family needs. You can connect with thousands of community resources, including: clothing, counseling, furniture, GED classes, health care, holiday programs, job training, rent assistance, school supplies, tax preparation assistance, rent or utility assistance, and more. Visit or call 614-221-2255 to find the support you need.
If you are in need of rent assistance, please call 211.
If you are in need of shelter, call the toll-free homeless hotline at 614-274-7000, available 24 hours a day.
Please contact us if you have any other questions.