Explore what should be included in your budget as well as strategies to make it work for you. Discover various tools that can help you create an effective budget and learn tips to stay on course toward your goals.
Date: February 27th from 6 - 7:30 pm at WARM
Learn more about the opportunities at the Delaware Area Career Center (DACC) that do not require a college degree! Learn about public health (EMT, firefighting) welding, automotive technicians, and forklift certification from Chad Williams, the Director of Adult Education at DACC.
Date: March 19th from 4:30 - 5:45 pm at WARM
We have partnered with Eques Law Group and FlahertyColvin Financial Consultants to provide a FREE and informative seminar covering estate planning basics (wills and trusts), and maximizing the financial impact of your legacy.
Date: March 19th, from 6 - 8 pm at WARM
RSVP to Nicole Inboden at [email protected] to attend. We hope to see you there!
Our Annual Prayer Breakfast, in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer, supports WARM's mission to provide a hand-up to those in need.
Our first annual Shopping Cart Shuffle 5K was a huge success! Thank you to everyone, including over 200 runners and walkers, who "shuffled" to end hunger in our community.
Thanksgiving Blessing provides our neighbors in need with all the food needed to prepare a Thanksgiving meal.
Our yearly Holiday Food Drive, in collaboration with Kroger and Westerville Rotary, is an effort to collect food and household items for those in need during the holiday season.